Now popular the world over, and as simple as having a haircut, we have cosmetic surgery: the almost-instant answer to all of our bodily aesthetic issues. What are the most popular procedures? Nosejob? Boobjob? Lipsuction? Correct, correct and correct again. But not in China. (Are you beginning to notice a theme in this blog?)
The key to being beautiful in China is all in the eyes: they have to be wide. Specifically, a lady should have a double-eyelid. No, not like a crocodile. It means that putting an artificial fold in your eyelid will widen your eyes and make your face appear more attractive.
I first noticed that people did this when I saw something hanging off the eyelid of a young lady I was talking to. I later found out that it was a piece of narrow sticky tape, applied just above the eyelashes on the upper eyelid, to pull the lid up a little, so widening the eyes. And it's really popular - I've since noticed a lot of other girls using this stuff. But, even better, you can go a step further and have it done on a permanent basis, thanks to a quick surgical procedure.

My initial reaction to this was that it was crazy, but it does make a difference. There are a bunch of example before and after pictures here, though, typically, the before picture is always some greasy-skinned, sad-looking, bad-hair-day girl, followed by an after picture of some just-about-to-go-onstage-look-at-my-fancy-makeup-and-hairdo girl. But still, it does make the eyes look wider.
There are even a range of different styles that you can go for, which give the eyes a slightly different shape.
Another one you can do is kind of an in-reverse version of the nosejob that many western folks might have. Essentially, it involves building up the bridge of the nose to make it protrude from the face a little more.
But as with any cosmetic surgery, you have to know when to draw the line - just ask Jocelyn Wildenstein.
Many Asians complain of having a single eyelid fold in which the lids appear to be taut and heavy. This condition makes the person who has this kind of lids look sleepy and tired and only a surgical procedure can solve this dilemma. Asian Blepharoplasty
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